January 2020 newsletter

Dear Poetry Friends

I hope you will have a happy new year and that our paths may cross at some of the poetry events on my new 2020 calendar.

The year is launched with ten weekly lectures on the story of how Ovid’s Metamorphoses has been alive and seductive for centuries in the art galleries of the world, images galore illustrating passages from A D Melville’s narratively engrossing verse translation for Oxford World Classics. See the website’s Scheduled Events.

A new poetry night has been added since I wrote to you in December to open February. On Monday 3rd February 2020 at 7 pm, Poetry Is Communication comes to Bloomsbury at the intimately atmospheric Grade II listed Horse Hospital. This new lecture-performance, illustrated throughout from a wide range of poetry, tells a story of discovering poems which talk straight to us, in voices as personal and engaging as good eye-contact between people.

From then on, in Hackney and outside London, you can find nights of D H Lawrence, Shakespeare, Neruda, Ovid, Pushkin and Edna St Vincent Millay. Our LitMus Ensemble concert (violin, piano and reader) in Farnham on Saturday 13 June will now be exclusively devoted to 2020’s outstanding 250th anniversary duo, Wordsworth and Beethoven, in particular their prolific and fascinatingly parallel young years between 1798 and 1805. Much more to come on that evening soon. Please keep the date.

Go to Scheduled Events for more on all of these nights, including direct booking. And I very much hope to see you!


PS Events on the website can be put on at a venue near you. Drop me a line at [email protected] if you would like to explore the possibilities.




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