Lord Byron – Seven Olympians 3
Emily Dickinson
- 90 minutes in two parts
Bookable from 1 April 2021. Just click green, blue or light blue Buy Now button to your right.
Thursday 15 April 2021 is when the lecture will start being available through Youtube to everyone who has booked it
Venue: Online – £10/$12/€11.25 for this online talk
The links giving you access to this lecture will be sent out from 15 April 2021. You will then have the choice of a YouTube video or a downloadable audio podcast.
The Emily Dickinson trail, though it also leads to barely concealed evidence of adventure and grief in love, the shadow of her more public than domestic father, and many a mystery besides, is first and foremost an uplifting true story of the triumph of personal choice against all the odds.
Already at the age of 25, though lively, funny and good company, Emily Dickinson was saying, ‘I don’t go from home unless emergency leads me by the hand’.
The result of her decision to stay at home was a redoubling of her creative output, which built up a total of 1775 extraordinary poems discovered stitched in neat bundles in a drawer at her death . . .

Tickets £10/$12/€11.25
for this onine talk The recording is available from 15 April 2021
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Top picture: the Dickinson family home, now the Emily Dickinson Museum, in Amhert, Massachusetts – photo Daderot, public domain via Wikimedia Commons
Lower pictures: A retouched daguerrotype of Emily Dickinson circa 1848, Wikimedia images
and Emily Dickinson’s manuscript of her poem ‘Because I Could Not Stop For Death’ (page 1 of 2), Emily Dickinson Archive (EDA – an open access website at https://www.edickinson.org)