W H Auden
- 90 minutes, including a short interval
- 7.30 p.m. Thursday 10th February 2022
Venue: Cafe Sladers, West Bay Road, West Bay, Bridport, Dorset DT6 4EL
W H Auden - World Poets series
W H Auden, who discovered his vocation as a poet a hundred years ago this year in 1922, was a giant among poets of his generation, a master-craftsman of metrical rhythms you can feel running like Swiss clockwork through his verse lines, and a wonderfully adventurous organist of the English language.
Nourished by his Pennines childhood and the treasures of Anglo-Saxon and Middle English, traveller to Iceland, China, Spain and Berlin, close-quarters commentator on politics, religion, philosophy, art and human relations, Auden translated his gifted perceptions into some of the finest and most substantial poems England and the world have ever seen.

Tickets £12.50 or £30 with dinner from 5.30/6 pm
Tickets available from Sladers Yard
Call 01308 459511 to make a booking
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Feel free to contact me - I'm happy to answer any questions you may have.
Top picture: W H Auden’s house at Kirchstetten, Austria, where he lived from 1957 until his death in 1973
Lower picture: W H Auden at the Grand Hotel, Stockholm, 16 April 1964
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